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Co-design: how to involve people in designing and improving the digital parts of your services
Ways to do research and design activities with the people you support or any other stakeholder. Includes resources for user research, ideation, co-design workshops and other activities.
Dealing with unconscious bias
What unconscious bias is and how it excludes people. How to reduce it in digital projects. Challenges when dealing with unconscious bias. From NCVO.
Email course: Equalities and human rights in the digital space
Want to learn how to take a human rights and equality-first approach to digital practice and service design? This Catalyst-funded 6-part email course will show you how. Includes lessons on person centred design, AI, rights, accessibility and a practitioner checklist.
Ideation: how to generate ideas when trying to solve a problem through digital
What you need to think about when you ideate. Different ideation techniques. How to decide which of your ideas you want to test.
How to minimise the environmental impact of your website or digital service
Key climate and environmental considerations for planning, designing, managing and procuring digital services.
Future journey mapping: how to create an ideal service experience for your users
Using insights from current journey mapping, create an ideal future service experience by fixing the difficulties people have in using your services.
What is Service Design?
What service design means. How to use service design in your organisation. How to design more user-centred services.
What is UX and why does it matter?
What UX stands for. Design disciplines that work to create good UX. The UX design process.
Iterative development: its philosophy and benefits
Why you should develop digital services incrementally and test often with users. Avoid big project plans, work in small cyclical stages. Part of agile working.
Website design critique #2: Reach Volunteering
More examples of good and bad design on a charity website. 2 parts, 9 points, with suggested improvements from content design and UX specialists.
Why good content design is important for your charity
What is content design? Making your website easier to use with good content. Examples of good and bad content design.
Learn design thinking
Self-study: learn an iterative approach to solving problems and developing services.
5 video modules, delivered weekly by email. 1 hour per module. Downloadable templates. Learn at your own pace.
The Charity Worker and the Digital Service Designer - a story
A quick, easy and entertaining way to learn the secrets of digital service design. 30 minute read.
Learn prototyping: how to use an experimentation mindset to create new digital things that work
New website, CRM or online service? Will you build it the old way? Or will you experiment with prototypes? A 27 minute micro-teach video session for charities.
Service design: how to test what you think you know about your users
What fast food, fast drivers and hasty breakups can teach us about assumptions. Knowledge boards, assumption testing and more help.
User value: what Facebook and Mario Kart can teach charities about digital services
As charities we can be good at creating social value, and at solving social problems. But if you want people to use your digital service then you need to learn about user value too.
Why design is more important than digital for charities
Why design is more important than digital, and how to start thinking ‘design first’ rather than ‘digital first’.
7 pieces of advice for charities looking to build digital services for the first time
Pearls of wisdom from charity digital old timers who've been there and done it.
Design Hops online
Free online workshops, which offer the first step, or ‘hop’, into digital service design and good websites design for charities.
From Service Design to Donald Duck design: what the jargon means
A charity guide to seven different types of design. All design disciplines are similar.
What skateboards and motorbikes can teach us about designing digital services
You don’t have to be a designer to understand the principles of digital service design. And if you want to get digital funding it’s going to pay to understand them.