Leadership and strategy

Help with digital strategy, governance and leading digital transformation. For everyone, not only senior managers.

Leading digital change
Resource TOPIC

Leading digital change

People, teams, governance, leadership. For anyone leading anything digital, data or design.

Creating strategies and processes
Resource TOPIC

Creating strategies and processes

Strategy, skills, transformation programmes, ways of working. For anyone creating processes for organisational change.

Creating and running digital services

How to take existing services online or design new ones.

Understanding what your users need
Resource TOPIC

Understanding what your users need

How to carry out user research and create personas and user need statements. So you can design online services that match people's needs and behaviours.

Designing digital services: the basics
Resource TOPIC

Designing digital services: the basics

What digital service design means. How it's different. Why it's the best way to create online services that people need and want to use. Free learn design thinking course.

Designing digital services: next steps
Resource TOPIC

Designing digital services: next steps

Using design tools and techniques. Creating different types of digital services. Creating human connection online. Content design.

Making a good website
Resource TOPIC

Making a good website

How to create a website that does what your users need it to do.

Writing for your users
Resource TOPIC

Writing for your users

How to use words and other content to make your services work better for your users and everyone else.

Making services safe
Resource TOPIC

Making services safe

Digital safeguarding. Risk assessing online platforms. Safely connecting vulnerable people online.

Making services accessible
Resource TOPIC

Making services accessible

Accessibility. Your website. Accessible content. Accessible facilitation. Hybrid events.

Making services inclusive
Resource TOPIC

Making services inclusive

Digital inclusion. Reducing exclusion. The Digital Champion model. Inclusive online learning.

Working digitally

Advice on day to day digital tools, people and practices.

Building staff skills
Resource TOPIC

Building staff skills

Understanding the digital skills you have and those you need. Running a skills survey. Running a skills programme.

Managing data and keeping it secure
Resource TOPIC

Managing data and keeping it secure

Choosing a database or CRM. Finding data. Using data. Data protection. Cyber security.

Working remotely
Resource TOPIC

Working remotely

Choosing remote working tools. Running remote meetings. Using tools. Running hybrid meetings.

Working with digital experts
Resource TOPIC

Working with digital experts

Choosing the right one. Asking the right questions. Making the most of partnerships.

Working in the open
Resource TOPIC

Working in the open

Benefits for you and others. Weeknotes. Sharing work outside your organisation. Reusing others' work. Copyright. Creative Commons.

Marketing your services online
Resource TOPIC

Marketing your services online

About digital marketing. Social media marketing. Google Ads. Digital storytelling.

Measuring your impact
Resource TOPIC

Measuring your impact

Why do it. How to track value and evidence. Measuring attribution. How to build good relationships with measurement activities.

Tools and software
Resource TOPIC

Tools and software

Choosing and using AI and other digital tools for productivity, collaboration and decision making.

Funding digital work

How to fund if you're a funder. How to get funded if you're a provider.

Charities: digital funding advice
Resource TOPIC

Charities: digital funding advice

Advice on finding and preparing digital funding applications.

Funders: running digital grantmaking programmes
Resource TOPIC

Funders: running digital grantmaking programmes

Digital grantmaking. Digital support programmes. Flexible funding. Open procurement. Catalyst's learning.


Inspiration and how-to guides from other non-profits.

Guides and case studies
Resource TOPIC

Guides and case studies

60+ step-by-step guides to how organisations like yours are using digital (opens an external site)

More help

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Free advice
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Free advice

Our network provides a variety of free services for you to grow your digital skills, confidence, and connections.