This week, new service recipes from Barnardo's and Weekday Wow Factor.
We now have 12 service recipes live and we added a couple of new features to our platform based on recent feedback We’re nearing a month after launching the service recipes for charities platform, which collects practical examples to help charities reuse and learn from one another’s digital services. We have a number of service recipes that need a last round of refinement in order to be published, so hang in there. In the meantime, we are publishing three new recipes today, bringing the total number of recipes online to 12.
We’d like to thank Weekday Wow Factor and Barnardo’s for sharing their recipes with us. Here’s what our newest recipes are about: Weekday Wow Factor works to connect people of all ages and abilities across Greater Glasgow. They have moved their activities online to help people stay in touch during COVID-19. This recipe covers how they adapted their service and helped the group gain confidence using new technology.
Barnardo’s is releasing two recipes this week. Their first recipe looks at how they are supporting direct workers during remote working in light of COVID-19. Barnardo’s realises the impact of working from home and is finding multiple ways to support staff. They have created online support groups for their staff and are also providing guidance on implementing work/life boundaries.
The second Barnardo’s recipe looks at how they are working alongside young people to help them deliver peer to peer support. “Youth colleagues” are young people who work closely with staff to co-design the support offered to other young people in the Barnardo’s Care Journeys Programme. This recipe details how Barnardo’s staff are facilitating peer-to-peer support within their Care Journeys’ Plymouth Design Lab. If you are interested in sharing your recipes, you can start by filling in this form or sending us an email at recipes@thecatalyst.org.uk.
As the landscape changes around us again, charities are facing new challenges and thinking about what happens next. To help us anticipate what will be useful to charities, we’ve been talking to colleagues at CAST and SCVO who look across the sector at what charities need. For us, this has been an interesting learning process. What are the new problems that you need support to face? We are keeping an eye on it, to publish recipes every week that can support these emerging needs. As per our platform and how we display recipes, we have been working quickly and are continuously improving on the go, learning from your feedback. One of the biggest learnings for us so far is to consider what information we need to collect in order to publish a recipe. We realised that as the site changes in response to feedback, so too would the recipes - for example, the need to make small changes to content or slight tweaks to layout. Consequently, we began collecting additional information to help inform the future of the site.
This way, we can keep adapting the recipes without needing to repeatedly contact their respective charities. This shows why your feedback is so important. If there is something you’d like covered in a recipe, get in touch. Or, if you are looking for specific recipes that we don’t have at the moment, please tell us what problem you’re trying to solve - we may be able to help you with it! Likewise, if you’ve got something to say about any of the recipes you’ve seen, we’re all ears. We’d love to know whether the service recipes platform has helped your organisation in any way and if you’ve gotten anything out of it, or if you also have any ideas about how to make it better or more useful - please let us know here.
We now have 12 service recipes live and we added a couple of new features to our platform based on recent feedback We’re nearing a month after launching the service recipes for charities platform, which collects practical examples to help charities reuse and learn from one another’s digital services. We have a number of service recipes that need a last round of refinement in order to be published, so hang in there. In the meantime, we are publishing three new recipes today, bringing the total number of recipes online to 12.
We’d like to thank Weekday Wow Factor and Barnardo’s for sharing their recipes with us. Here’s what our newest recipes are about: Weekday Wow Factor works to connect people of all ages and abilities across Greater Glasgow. They have moved their activities online to help people stay in touch during COVID-19. This recipe covers how they adapted their service and helped the group gain confidence using new technology.
Barnardo’s is releasing two recipes this week. Their first recipe looks at how they are supporting direct workers during remote working in light of COVID-19. Barnardo’s realises the impact of working from home and is finding multiple ways to support staff. They have created online support groups for their staff and are also providing guidance on implementing work/life boundaries.
The second Barnardo’s recipe looks at how they are working alongside young people to help them deliver peer to peer support. “Youth colleagues” are young people who work closely with staff to co-design the support offered to other young people in the Barnardo’s Care Journeys Programme. This recipe details how Barnardo’s staff are facilitating peer-to-peer support within their Care Journeys’ Plymouth Design Lab. If you are interested in sharing your recipes, you can start by filling in this form or sending us an email at recipes@thecatalyst.org.uk.
As the landscape changes around us again, charities are facing new challenges and thinking about what happens next. To help us anticipate what will be useful to charities, we’ve been talking to colleagues at CAST and SCVO who look across the sector at what charities need. For us, this has been an interesting learning process. What are the new problems that you need support to face? We are keeping an eye on it, to publish recipes every week that can support these emerging needs. As per our platform and how we display recipes, we have been working quickly and are continuously improving on the go, learning from your feedback. One of the biggest learnings for us so far is to consider what information we need to collect in order to publish a recipe. We realised that as the site changes in response to feedback, so too would the recipes - for example, the need to make small changes to content or slight tweaks to layout. Consequently, we began collecting additional information to help inform the future of the site.
This way, we can keep adapting the recipes without needing to repeatedly contact their respective charities. This shows why your feedback is so important. If there is something you’d like covered in a recipe, get in touch. Or, if you are looking for specific recipes that we don’t have at the moment, please tell us what problem you’re trying to solve - we may be able to help you with it! Likewise, if you’ve got something to say about any of the recipes you’ve seen, we’re all ears. We’d love to know whether the service recipes platform has helped your organisation in any way and if you’ve gotten anything out of it, or if you also have any ideas about how to make it better or more useful - please let us know here.

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